Saturday, June 25, 2011

The Summer Intern Marathon Training Plan...

Means I only run on the weekends now, with a 4-5 miler sprinkled in somewhere during the week.  I managed to squeeze in 4 miles on Thursday, but needed to get a workout in today, so I ran down to the track on the east river for some 1000m intervals.  It's a shit track with some minor undulations and horrible drainage, but it gets the job done, and most importantly has a water fountain next to the finish line.  I haven't busted out the racing flats for these workouts because what's the point, I don't care about running that fast right now in June, plus, it's nice knowing if I put on racing shoes I'd be 1-2 seconds faster per lap.  I managed to bang out 5 x 1000 with 3 min/1 lap jog for recovery in 3:06, 3:08, 3:04, 3:07, 3:06, which is about 5 minute mile pace.  I was debating doing a few more but started getting a little tired so just jogged home.  3 mile warm-up, 3 and change cool down, about 10.5 miles for the day.

I also didn't log my workout last weekend: 4 x mile with 3 min recovery in 5:18, 5:17, 5:13, 5:10.  Not full effort, but I'm trying to keep my strength up through the summer and then make a last push for the NYC marathon.