Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Easy with Company

Finally got off work in time to catch the Central Park Track Club track workout at the East River Track.  I assumed there would be a few guys there who could run fast, and I was right enough.  It's just over 2 miles from my apartment to the track, so that made for a nice warm up.  The four doughnut holes at 4pm didn't help, but oh well, there's a bathroom at the track.

Today's workout was 4x1000, 3x300 at the track, with 400m recovery (2:30ish).  I kept the trainers on because I'm a bit fat and slow right now, and really, what's the point except to get a good workout in.  To my surprise, I was able to run 3:05 (4:56 pace) very comfortably for the first 3 reps, then went down to 3:02 for the last one.  Who knew.  My 300's were 52, 49, 49, which isn't bad considering I haven't run fast for a while.  The more obvious realization, was that I run much better when I have other people to help pace me, and sure enough, by the 2nd half of the workout, I got competitive and started running faster.  Total for the day was 9 quality miles, first time in a long time.

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