Monday, September 26, 2011

19 miles...

Thought I'd be sore yesterday after my 10k, but I guess I wasn't THAT sore.  Goal yesterday was to run 18 miles or minimum 2 hours, depending on how I felt, and the weather was perfect for it - 55 and light rain.  Since it felt so easy, and the pace kept escalating, I ended up going 19 in 2 hours (average about 6:21 per mile.  I thought the Garmin output was pretty cool, so I'm pasting that in instead of blogging more.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Chicago Race for the Cure

Despite losing my voice I woke up this morning for the Chicago Race for the Cure 10k.  No one really showed up, but didn't matter, I just wanted to use this as a tempo run and make-up for a piss-poor showing at the Chicago Half two weeks ago. Much better showing this time--I won the race in 35:05, ran near perfectly even mile splits (5:38, 5:39, 5:39, 5:45, 5:35, 5:39, 75), and felt pretty comfortable the whole way. Starting really long runs tomorrow, hopefully 18, and 6 weeks til race day.

Wanted to get back in great shape in my 5 weeks off between work and school.  Not in great shape yet but getting there.  Last five weeks mileage as follows: 40, 14, 52, 37, 52, 61... not bad and dropped 10 pounds in the process.