Friday, October 14, 2011

Last long tempo

11 miles, 64 minutes

5:55, 5:52, 5:57, 5:56, 5:55, 5:57, 5:54, 5:57, 5:37, 5:35, 5:34

1 mile w/up, 2 mile cool down

14 total.

Very controlled.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Running Off Memphis

Great times in Memphis last weekend, but that didn't translate to much running.  Aside from a little five mile jaunt on Friday, I didn't run at all this weekend.  What I lacked in running I made up for in seafood gumbo and southern bbq.  So while I had a long run blocked off for today, I was feeling a little "heavier" when I got going.

Goal for today was 20 miles, and I only ended up going about 18.5 in 2:03 (about 6:29 average).  My hip flexors were a little tight, and my right heel and calf still has something going on so I didn't want to push it too much.  I finally made it to the North end of the Lakeshore path though, and I ran off my Memphis lbs.