Sunday, November 18, 2012

Tulsa Route 66 Half Marathon

Ran the Tulsa Route 66 Half Marathon with the Michelob Ultra Team today.  Took first place overall in 1:16:14.  Not too happy with the time, but I only run 3-4 days/week and don't think I have run longer than 10 miles this calendar year.  Also first 1/2 marathon race in over a year.

Pretty comfortable splits, between 5:35-5:55 per mile the entire race.  Also great to be there with 30 members of the Michelob Ultra Racing Team.

Sadly, no prize money, but if there had been prize money, some college kid would have shown up and won the race in 1:08, so no complaints here.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Can't Go a Year Without Posting

I can't claim to have a bog and go more than a year without posting...  First official Michelob Ultra Race this weekend in Tulsa at the Route 66 1/2 marathon.  Got after it this 3-day weekend.

Saturday - 5 easy
Sunday - 10 miles in 65 min
Monday - 2 mi w/up, 2 x 10 min hard, 5 min rest, 2 mi cool down.