Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Workouts in between ice baths

I'm trying to get my internal clock set for Sunday, so hopefully I'll get some form of workout in each of the next 3 or 4 days. I decided to take the day off from running to rest my knee, but didn't deter me from waking up at 5:30 and heading straight to the pool for a swim in the rain. I warmed up for about 400 meters, doing some easy laps and drills. Then I went straight into a one mile swim (no rest) which took about 27-28 minutes. I didn't push myself too hard and wasn't overly fatigued at the end, which is obviously encouraging. I probably could have gone a minute faster, but I just wanted an easy race simulation, although I definitely didn't simulate the 55 degree water. Totaled 2000 yards for this pool session. Hopefully I'll get one more in before Sunday.

After the swim I headed straight to Karen and Damien's house to use their ice bath. I hopped in from the waste down for about 14 minutes, then hurried home and headed off to work.

My knee was sore most of the day, and I can't seem to get it completely comfortable at work. I wanted to get another bike workout in before Friday, partly just to make sure I can still ride a bike. After work, I hurried home and hopped on the bike for a quick 20 miles, averaging about 22 mph. I didn't push it too hard, and the whole ride felt pretty easy with no stress on my knees. Perhaps even better, by the time I hopped off the bike, my leg muscles had loosened up enough to allow me to run without discomfort. So hopefully, regardless of how I feel on Sunday, adrenaline, combined with a good bike leg, should allow me to roll on the run.

After the bike ride, I hurried over to Karen's for another ice bath with the iCool. I love the ice bath, and it continued to work wonders. Karen and Damien are so nice about letting me stop by and use it. Here's a free plug to my 7 official followers and 20+ unofficial followers. Go check out

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