Wednesday, June 23, 2010


I pushed my morning run to after work so I could watch the U.S.A. soccer game and was not disappointed. Great game. Inspiring effort. So inspiring I decided to go run 9 miles after work. After a mellow but up-tempo run yesterday (8 miles in 55 minutes at Shady Canyon, with a few miles around 6 minute pace), I decided to finally change my route. I think every run I've done from my house in the last month has been a Back Bay loop.

On the 3rd longest day of the year, I headed south on PCH and turned in towards Big Corona, down Ocean, past the Wiseman house on Hazel, then picked up the Crystal Cove bike path and took it all the way to Beachcomber. Pace fluctuated between 6:30-6:45 for most of the run, and I tried not to push it too much. I noticed some tightness in my right glut and hip flexor, probably the result of a basketball game last night, so I probably won't be balling for a while. Pretty easy run overall, and its nice that my base/easy runs around now in the 50-60 minute range (7-9 miles) as opposed to the 5 mile runs I was doing when I wasn't in training. Definitely feeling fit and ready to get some faster workouts in. I was debating hitting the track tomorrow morning, but with a small hip flare-up, I want to keep my runs mellow for a couple days to make sure I don't aggravate anything.

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