Sunday, September 5, 2010

Peak Mileage

This week I ran 83 miles, one of the top 3 highest mileage weeks of my life. Fortunately, I am still feeling pretty good. The highlight of the week has to be the 22 miler from yesterday (2:22). Average pace for the run was 6:30 and my Garmin says I burned over 3500 calories during the run (give or take a few). I woke up not feeling great but managed to gut it out and even practiced taking in a power gel around mile 11. The gel worked great, and after intake, my mile splits dropped from 6:35-6:40 down to 6:20. The last 4-5 miles were all in 6-6:10 pace. I probably should have just kept going and finished a "marathon", but might as well save that for October. I'm really happy with the work put in over the last month given all my travels. School starts on Tuesday so things will get busy, but the hay is now mostly in the barn and I'm still alive to write about it!

35 days to the marathon. Now it's time to sharpen up.

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