Saturday, October 9, 2010

Go time!!

We're finally on the eve of race day and I can finally say I'm feeling great. I have had a really uncomfortable taper, between my "Booth" flu two weeks ago, and ongoing cough, but today I feel ready. I have been leaving the Garmin at home the last two weeks and doing pretty much only easy runs for time, not distance.

Starting Monday this week, I ran 42, 40, 39 (incl 3 x 2 min hard), 38, 30, and 30 minutes. Today I met Rob and Vanessa at 8 am and ran South along Lakeshore one last time. The bike path was bustling with marathoners, and even the elites were out prepping. Merga and Sammy W. were out doing strides on the grass. I've been trying to stride out more this week, hoping that my turnover is still there (it is!), and doing anything possible to get my legs fresh. Today has been a couch day and now Heather and I are going to the Social Network so I can stay off my feet.

Yesterday, we went to the Marathon expo for a couple hours, which was very impressive. I have never actually seen such a big expo at any race event. We scanned all the booths and took free samples of energy bars before buying some marathon swag at the Nike expo. After a "mocktail" event at Booth, we went over to Betsy's (another Booth marathoner) place where she was hosting all the Booth runners for a pasta party! Just like old time.

Tonight, there is a lady in my building who is racing that is hosting a pasta party for runners in the building so we may stop there. Then probably stopping by the free country festival in Millennium Park, then early to bed and a 4:30 a.m. wake-up call. Very excited! 20 hours to go!

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