Monday, November 22, 2010

The Old vs. The New

The Old Me would slap the New Me in the face for running 5 miles on a treadmill today. I haven't run or done much working out in the past two weeks except for playing in 2 flag football games. With no recruiting events this week, I finally had time to get in a run after my afternoon class, and since it was raining, I hopped on the treadmill for 5 miles at 6:45 pace.

The Old Me would never let this happen. He would have braved the darkness and lightening storm for a 1 hour run. The New Me runs 5 miles on a treadmill in the sanctity of the Aqua building.

The Old Me had a strict no treadmill policy; the New Me calls a 40 minute flag football game a sufficient workout for the day. Feels good to sweat again though.

The Old Me ran out 6-7 days per week. The New Me eats 6-7 meals per day.

The Old Me had a hard time going to sleep if he didn't get a workout in that day. The New Me spends so much time studying and recruiting he doesn't really sleep.

The Old Me weighed about 10 pounds less than the New Me.

The Old Me used to watch a DVR'd DWTS and Glee. The New Me still does that.

The Old Me boycotted Starbucks Java Chip Frappuccino's during training. The New Me has 2-3 per week (and they are so good).

The Old Me used to be consumed by fitness. The New Me is not, and it's actually quite nice... for now.

The New Me is taking a three-week hiatus once finals are over.

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