Monday, January 31, 2011

Last run outside before Snowpocalypse

Happy Birthday Rachel Yelsey!!

On a separate note, it's snowing like crazy right now, so I decided that despite the cold I would take this opportunity to squeeze in one last run outside before the storm hit. It was probably about 20 degrees today, with and accuweather said windchill made it feel like 5, so that was nice. I wore the fleece-lined tights, and then some thermal/clima-cool stuff I had left over from college, a fleece cap, gloves and sun-glasses. The few runs I have done a long the lake have reminded me how important the glasses are. The wind rips off the lake and you will get massive windburn if you don't cover your face as much as possible. Total today was 40 minutes, 6 miles. (also did 8 miles on Saturday!)

I finally have a race to train for. I am entered in the Shamrock Shuffle 8k in April, and may run the Nashville 1/2 marathon with some Boothies, so at least its motivation to get in shape.

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