Friday, February 4, 2011

An actual week of training

It pains me to say I am actually getting comfortable running on treadmills. Hopefully this trend doesn't persist for too long. After my 6-miler on Monday, I ran 5, 5, and 4 miles on the treadmill Wednesday through Friday, for 28 miles this week. It feels nice to put together an entire week of work. On Tuesday morning, in lieu of a run, I played basketball for about 2 hours so I got some work in. Additionally, after my 5-mile run at Lakeshore Athletic Club, I jumped in the pool for a light 1000 yard swim workout (400 yds of drills and warm-up, followed by 3 x 200 yard @ 3:00-3:05). I'm hoping to continue this next week, and keep my body active, but having an internship locked up definitely makes it easier.

Aside from that, I'm noticing some left hip tightness so I need to work on that, and my knees are a little sore, so I need to get on the ice. I'm foam rolling every day, which has made for good maintenance, so hopefully my body holds up as I get back in shape. The good news for me is my weight didn't blow up too bad in the 3 months where I barely ran, and I'm hovering between 196-200 lbs right now (probably 10 pounds above marathon weight).

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