Friday, May 13, 2011

Two More Spring Races

I just started reading Born to Run by Christopher McDougall.  Considering my hobbies, I'm a little late to the game on this one, but I'm already loving it.

Some great quotes from the opening pages:
"In terms of stress relief and sensual pleasure, running is what you have in your life before you have sex.  The equipment and desire come factory installed; all you have to do is let 'er rip and hang on for the ride."

"There's something so universal about the sensation, the way running unites our two most primal impulses: fear and pleasure.  We run when we are scared, we run when we are ecstatic, we run away from our problems and run around for a good time."

On a related note I've run 50 miles in the last six days and feel myself rounding into form for next weekend at Magic Shoe in Newport Beach and then hopefully for the Soldier Field 10 miler on Memorial Day weekend. On Tuesday I hit the track with Josh Perry and did 2xmile, 2x800 (4:58, 4:57, 2:28, 2:22), while Josh ran 400's on alternating laps with me.  I'm hoping for a 10-mile PR.  Technically I've never run a 10 mile race so anything will be a PR, but I think I came through 10 miles in around 53:50 during my half marathon last September, so we'll call anything under 54 minutes a PR.

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