Sunday, March 28, 2010

Solid end to a solid week

Woke up and headed straight to the Marian Bergeson Aquatic Center to use the high school pool. It was my first time training there on a weekend, and unfortunately it's $3 for public use. There were actually about 20 people there this morning so I was lucky to get my own lane. Did my usual drills once again, the commenced with the 400's. My shoulders are incredibly sore from all the swimming this week, easily the most I have done in a week. The first couple 400's were 6:15, 6:20, and then the third slowed to 6:35 mostly from muscle fatigue. I resumed the drills and then bounced into a few 200 intervals, and played some pool golf, but did not go very low. 2000 meters on the day, and 6000 for the week.

I drove home, threw on the running shoes and took off on an 8-mile run with Katie and Drew in tow on roller blades. We left around 10 a.m., on a beautiful March day, about 75 and sunny, with crystal clear views of Catalina. Decided it would be best to head south to Crystal Cove to enjoy the view. We made it down to Crystal Cove promenade and flipped to come back home. Average for the run was about about 6:20 and picked it up a bit over the last 10 minutes below 6 minute pace. Total mileage for the week was 46 in six days of running. This is definitely the strongest I've felt in months.

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