Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Last Run in California

Today is my last day in California before I move to Chicago for business school. I started it off by meeting Kaz and the high school kids at Inspiration Point at 6:30 this morning for a 12 mile run. The kids were dreading 12 miles but got through it quite well. We headed south on P.C.H. towards el Morro and made it about 2 miles into the park before turning around. Headed out at about 7:45 pace and on the way back some of the guys got a little pumped up and brought us down to 7:20's, and then below 7 for the last two miles. Total time for the run was 1:29 - 12 miles.

Afterwards, I was naturally a little sore, since I have now run 41 miles in 3 days. I cooled off, stretched down and foam rolled at home, then headed over to Kaz and Damien's place to use the iCool one last time before I left. Then I showered and headed down to my dad's office to get a chair massage. The massage and ice bath really did the trick because my legs feel much better now, although I'm still tired and will probably end taking a long nap today.

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