Thursday, June 24, 2010


My right glute feels like someone took a baseball bat and beat it repeatedly. I guess my race and up-tempo long run last weekend finally caught up with me. Oh well, it happens. Instead of hitting the track this morning, I decided to run an easy 60 minutes through the Back Bay. Midway through the run I randomly ran into Karen, which was a pleasant suprise. She was also taking an easy day, so we had went a comfortable 30 minutes together, and then I went home. It's probably the first time we've run together where I've actually gone longer. Kept the pace between 7:15-7:45 for most of the run, and logged 8 miles for the day.

I'm happy to be getting in longer "easy" runs. When I wasn't training as much my short run was 4-5 miles, and now short is 7-9 miles, so I've got that going for me. I also have chafing issues going against me. The longer mileage and time on the road is causing all sorts of fun problems on my legs. I'll keep it PG on the blog but let's just say I have a few things I need to figure out before the marathon.

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