Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Easy 10 with Rachie

Less than 12 hours after my track workout, I pried myself out of bed at 5:30 this morning for an easy 10 miles. Before leaving, I shook my sister awake and invited her along on the bike. She was sooooo honored to be in my compnay for an hour she jumped out of bed and danced circles around the house in excitement. Ok not really, but it's my blog and I'll write what I want.

Rachel and I headed south on PCH to Bruegers, then took the Goldenrod Bridge over to Big Corona, headed down Ocean to Little C, then cut down on Hazel past the Wiseman house, picked up PCH again and took it all the way to the end of the Crystal Cove bike path near the entrance of El Morro, where we flipped and headed straight back down PCH to our house. I brough the Garmin out for fun but kept the pace pretty slow. The first several miles were in the mid-to-low 7 minute race, then dropped to 6:55's for a bit, and the last couple miles picked it up to 6:30's.

Great run. I'm a little sore but feeling good. Rachie was fantastic company.

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