Thursday, June 3, 2010

Last Day of PT

Woke up early this morning and instead of my tempo run, I headed to my last PT session at 7 a.m. I've recovered so much in the past four weeks and would put myself somewhere around 90% right, and they are mostly to thank for that. My quads and IT bands are significantly looser than a month ago, and I'm feeling some spring in my stride this week.

Later, I headed out for a quick run around Back Bay, picking up the pace a little over the last few days. It was a mostly flat, 50% dirt run, averaging around 6:30 minutes per mile. Total distance for the day was 6+ miles, 41 minutes. I'm taking a red-eye to New Haven tonight for my 5th year college reunion, and definitely looking forward to a run in Maltby Lakes.

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