Sunday, June 20, 2010

Long Sunday

I was pleasantly surprised to awaken not so sore this morning from the previous days events. I had planned on an easy 10-12 miles at whatever pace was comfortable, but just felt so good this morning that I decided to have some fun with the run. I strapped on the Garmin and headed out for 12 miles around the Back Bay and then some. By the time I left the house it was already 10 a.m. and 70+/sunny and I probably wasn't hydrated.

Usually my "warm-up" mile on runs is around around 7:30, but today I went right into sub 7 pace and kept going down. By mile 3 I had settled in near my target pace for the run. Sorry to bore with splits but I'm going to write them anyways. 6:54, 6:33, 6:18, 6:08, 6:11, 6:07, 6:10, 6:11, 6:05, 5:58, 6:24 (uphill), 6:12. Good for 12 miles in 75 minutes, 6:15 pace. Though I was spraying sweat when I got home and was completely dehydrated, I was again pleasantly surprised to be not very sore. I took a long stretch, foam roll, and ice down during the Brazil game, and it's been a nice little Father's Day since then.

Great week of training! As good things usually come in three, here's mine for the week: my IT band pain is 100% gone, I won the Camp Pendleton Mud Run, and I ran 51 miles this week (6 days), my first week over 50 in over a year!

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