Monday, June 28, 2010

Nothing to complain about

For the first time since I can remember, I really don't have any nagging injuries or soreness to complain about. It's actually amazing considering that when browsing over this blog the last several months, I always seem to be writing about some body part bothering me. Well not today, you won't get a negative peep from me out of today's run.

But you will get something from my Saturday run! I went long an easy on Saturday morning. My glutes were still a little tight so I decided to forgo the speed work and get some mileage in. I had a very uneventful 11 mile run which took about 75 minutes. I spent most of the time cruising at around 6:45 miles and making sure nothing flared up. Dropped it down to 6:30 for the last couple miles, but overall it was a very mellow long run day. That run ended a stretch of five consecutive days of running and 45 miles for the week. I'm very happy with this total considering I took two days off.

After a Sunday off for some golf and pool time in Palm Desert, I logged another 9 miles this morning. The first five were between 6:45 - 7:00 pace, and on my way home I ran into Karen and slowed down to 7:30's the last several miles. Total time was 65 minutes of jogging. As I told Karen on the run, I had absolutely no body parts to complain about today. I'm excited to get back on the track tomorrow for the first of several speed workouts before the Allianz games.

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