Friday, May 21, 2010

Easy Recovery Day/PT

Met Karen at 6:30 for an easy 6. We went really slow (7:45 ish pace) with some discomfort but nothing too bad. Once again, I took an extra 30 minutes at home to stretch down, foam roll the pain away, and ice my legs. No surprise, this is really paying dividends when I go to work. I don't feel any residual discomfort at work after my runs anymore. On a separate note, I think my tenure with the New Balance 760 series may be up. I'm headed to Road Runner this weekend to look at new shoes and insoles. It was nice while it lasted.

I spent another lunch at PT. Today Ray murdered my quads and hamstrings. Hopefully they are in good enough shape to race tomorrow at the OC Duathlon, and hopefully my competetive instincts don't run be back into injury.

Total for the day: 6 miles, 45 minutes.

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