Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Transition Workout: Part II

Julie organized the second transition workout of the season this morning. Five of us met at her pool in Irvine at 5:45 a.m, took an easy 10-15 minutes to set up our bikes and warm-up, then got going on 3 x (400 yard swim/2k bike/1k run). Unlike yesterday, I was feeling some soreness and stiffness in my quad and knee, a byproduct of running mid-to-low 60's on those quarters yesterday.

My three circuits were 13:50 (easy), 12:50 (harder), 12:55 (crap). As usual, I only swam 300 yards on the swim, both because every one else in the pool was an elite swimmer. The first circuit I took it really easy, because the whole point was just to practice transitions. I also hadn't been in a pool since I tweaked my neck and shoulder last week so I wanted to be very cautious. My second circuit was by far the best. I swam a little harder, and had a great transition on to the bike (my weakest part) and was able to get my feet into the bike shoes very quickly. I also hammered the run, probably stupid, and managed to catch everyone before the end of the run. The third circuit I was quick out of the pool, but couldn't get on my bike and accidentally kicked a shoe off. Better to happen in practice than this weekend. After the workout was over I cooled down 200 yards in the pool and headed off to work, then ProSport PT for an hour during lunch.

Totals for the day: Swim: 1200, Bike 10k, Run 3 miles

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