Friday, May 14, 2010


My IT Band Syndrome is starting to subside, despite running on it for the last four days. I met Karen this morning on Back Bay Road for an easy 50 minutes flat. Somehow, I managed to run down Jamboree without pain, but had some discomfort for most of the run. We kept a much slower and relaxed pace today (7:30ish I think) so I don't think I aggravated anything. In other news, my left shoulder and chest area are about 90% recovered, so that's one less nuissance to worry about. Total for the day was 6.5 miles.

I headed back to ProSport during my lunch hour for PT. Nancy, my trainer, drilled on my quad and IT band for about 30 minutes as I let out pathetic whimpers. I definitely limped off the massage table after that. Next, I went through about 8 strengthening drills, then hopped back on the massage table for ice and stim.

Tomorrow is an off day (and travel day - Rachel's Penn graduation), and I'll probably skip Monday as well. I'm hoping to feel normal by Wednesday so I attack this duathlon next weekend.

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