Tuesday, May 11, 2010

What's wrong with Josh today?

After a sleepless night, I finally relented and started popping advil at 3 a.m. My entire left side, neck shoulder, and chest were stiff and aching. I tried to make it through work, but was having difficulty taking deep breaths. I managed to get into see Dr. Steve, my chiropractor, who diagnosed my disjointed neck, and managed to crack it back into place, while keeping me in near agony for 30 minutes.

After work I headed to my first physical therapy session at ProSport on Bristol. I went through a pretty intense circuit and the trainers worked out some stiffness in my quads so my IT band might loosen up. The bulk of the circuit consisted of various squats and lunges. I was already feeling pretty strong after my hour was up.

My aim was still to get to the track for the Cal Coast workout, or jog at the very least. I managed to log about 5.5 miles, with the last few down at my comfort zone of 6:00-6:20, and without pain, which is very encouraging. Hopefully after four weeks of PT, this thing will be gone and I can get the mileage back up. In the meantime, no swimming for at least a week.

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