Monday, May 10, 2010

Swimming in moderation

This morning got off to a great start, as I visited the Doc to get my MRI results. The news: my knee is "structurally perfect." Well, OK then. Time to start running. I was still a little sore from yesterday so I decided to swim today and get the mileage back up tomorrow.

I headed to the pool after work for what was supposed to be an easy workout. I took an easy 500 yard warm up mixing up the usual drills throughout. Then I decided to do some speed work in the pool. I'm trying to get my 100 time a little faster, so I decided to do 10 x 100 with 15 seconds recovery, keeping all the 100's below 1:30. I was 1:25 - 1:27 on all of the first 9, and my breathing was getting pretty intense by the #8. The last one I really tried to speed up and ended up muscling through it in 1:23. Then I cooled down 500 yards for 2000 on the day. After a brief jacuzzi session, I cooled of and headed to dinner.

About 30 minutes letter my chest started getting really tight. I overworked or overused my pecs on that swim, so while it was a great workout, I'm having some uncomfortable chest stiffness right now, which isn't too pleasant. I had this briefly last week and it went away in day. I think I may have pulled something so I'll probably take the rest of the week off from swimming.

Last note is my Brightroom CD from the race arrived and new pics are posted on facebook.

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