Sunday, May 9, 2010

Looking ahead

Happy Mother's Day! Now that I've had a week to let my body recover and let the Escape experience marinate for a while, it's time to look forward. My knee wasn't doing too great after the race, so I took four days completely off from running. In the meantime, I went to my orthopedist to make sure nothing serious is going on there and ended up getting an MRI on Wednesday, which I'll hear results on tomorrow.

It didn't do any physical activity following the race. On Monday I went to Erik's pool and swam about 500 yards before my body said stop. Thursday I went back to the pool and swam about 2100 yards, with some sprints mixed in. I actually swam so hard that I had some chest soreness issues until Saturday. Friday I tried my first run since the race. My knee was definitely not fully ready for it, but I decided to run through it and logged an easy 5 miles at around 7 minute pace. Saturday morning, Erik and I headed up to El Morro to do some trail running and logged another 6 miles at a moderate 7-7:30 pace. I had to stop a couple times to massage my knee, but it was feeling a little better. Today I went for a 42 mile leisurely bike ride with Michael, Dennis, and Blake through Laguna Hills and back on PCH. I'm feeling pretty good physically except for more knee soreness, but I think it is in remission, especially with the down mileage. Hopefully the doctor will proscribe some PT this week and I'll be go to go by next weekend.

Looking head, I'm targeting the OC Duathlon in two weeks, where if healthy, I should be in good enough shape to win it, so get better knee! The some fun and fast races in June, and getting the mileage back up for the Chicago Marathon.

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