Tuesday, May 25, 2010

I feel the need... the need

... for slow easy runs. I'm not going to do any more speed workouts for the next two weeks (by speed I mean anything under 5:30 pace). This IT band/knee thing has gone on long enough and its time to get better. Treatment has been going well, and I was happy to get through last weekend injury free, but it's time to get better.

Cal Coast moved its Tuesday night workouts to the Shady Canyon bike bath. Instead of track work, we are phasing in a long tempo run. The "A" group had 10 minutes hard today, but I hung back and ran two miles slightly up tempo (5:45 ish) on the dirt. My IT band felt fine, except for a couple awkward steps. There wasn't much change of pace between throughout the entire run, and I ended up logging 40 minutes, or 6 miles.

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