Thursday, July 29, 2010

8-mile Road Tempo

The mileage build-up continues. I had a tempo run on the docket today or tomorrow and was feeling pretty good this morning so I decided to give it a go. I also laced up the Nike Lunar Glides for their first run (though I have thoroughly broken them in). I ran an easy 10 minute (1.5 mile) warm-up and stretched out a bit before I got going. The goal for the day was to get at least 8 miles at 5:40 pace (2:28 marathon pace), and if I was feeling good, extend it to 10 miles.

The first three miles were really easy, and I was slightly slower than target pace to start, which is fine, because it's better to close faster anyways. The splits were great except for mile 6 which had some uphill and I had some stomach problems. Splits:

5:44, 5:40, 5:44, 5:38, 5:38, 5:50, 5:37, 5:31 - 45:23 for 8 miles.

I felt ok afterwards and had enough energy for a 1.5 mile easy jog back to the house. I think my biggest problem during the run was getting sunblock in my eyes about half way through, but fortunately it wasn't too bothersome. I didn't notice my knee at all during the tempo, but it bothered me a little bit during the cool-down. Tomorrow will be an easy day, and Saturday will be off.

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