Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Recovery week into Marathon Training

After the Allianz Games, my body finally told me enough is enough. I ran an easy six miles last Monday, then took a 36 hour break before a Cal Coast tempo on Tuesday. I ran 17 hard minutes and hobbled home with stomach problems. On Wednesday I took an easy 60 minutes with the high school kids and by mile 6, my knee was really acting up so I ended up having to walk/jog home. This wasn't the same IT band pain I had months ago. This was a stress reaction in some bone in my knee, so the only cure was rest. I took Thursday-Saturday completely off, except for Saturday where I hiked Half Dome with Heather and five other friends. Sunday, I ran an easy 45 minute shake-out run around Yosemite Valley with Julie. Total mileage for the week: 26 miles, 4 days of running, one tired Josh.

Moving forward to this week, my body is feeling slightly better. I ran 78 minutes easy with the high schoolers yesterday, which was sadly only 10 miles, but right now it is more about time on feet and less about pace. I'm also planning two serious tempo runs this week and upping my long run to 15-16 miles. Today, I ran another easy 61 minutes-8 miles with the high school kids--again time on feet. Hopefully the body parts hold up during recovery week two, but things are looking good so far.

Last Thursday was also my last day of work so for the time being the "corporate" road warrior is not applicable. Moving to Chicago next week for my full-time MBA program.

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