Saturday, July 17, 2010

Last Day of the Games and Budapest

Short blog to be updated later. I ran the 5000 meters at 1145 this morning just as the sun was at its high point. The track was an oven and they even had water stations at the 200. I took the opening lap out in 85, then decided this was too slow and I was at least going to make guys chase me. So I dropped the next three laps down to 74 seconds, hit 506 for the first mile, then dropped to 77s the rest of the way and ended up running 1603 for the win by about 15 seconds. Still only 80 pct effort but it was so freaking hot and humid I lost too much water. I cooled down for 10 minutes and took in more water. I hopped on the bus after another festive medal ceremony and headed back to the pool, jumped in the ice bath, which was great, then took a 15 minute nap and headed back to the track for the Swedish Relay.

I jogged about 10 minutes before the relay and was feeling super dead legged but our crowd picked me up. When the gun went off, I took off a little too fast and rolled through the first 200 in 29, then 60 at the quarter, then it got a little rough. I hit 131 at 600, 204, then 237. It was once again deathly hot on the track, but somehow got through the last lap. On my cool down, which was only 10 minutes and very slow, I finally felt my body starting to break down so I am definitely taking a day or two off this week.

On a lighter note, in recognition of my two gold medals (half the USA total), Swedish relay performance and strong running style, I have been given the following knicknames by respective nations: France-The Robot, Portugal-The Machine, Italy-The American, the stupid annoying announcer-The American Boy. They just cannot figure out how someone so big can run so fast. Personally, I will take Portugal and go with the Machine, aka Sasha Vujacic, aka, two-time NBA champion. It is the closest I will ever get to a ring.

Great trip, just had a great closing ceremony and party. They announced that the games will be held in Zurich in 2014, so there is some motivation to be back at PIMCO in four years. The party after the ceremony was also wonderful. 3 a.m., just got back to the hotel, will be home in less than 24 hours. Goodnight and farewell Budapest.

1 comment:

  1. Keep on keeping on! This is all great. I struggle with "rest" because I have a long way to go, but a little R&R definitely pays off and helps me repair. Summer heat is unbearable, but I can't imagine what it is like overseas. Best to you!
