Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Double Day

A rare double entry from me today. After 8 miles this morning, I headed to the Cal Coast workout at 6 pm. Today's workout was an 18 minute road/hill tempo. I was having some stomach problems earlier from lunch at Islands (won't be doing that again anytime soon) but I managed to work it out before the tempo.

I was feeling very springy when we started, and took out the first downhill mile at a respectable 4:51 (in trainers). Then the path turns uphill for the next two miles. I hit the 2 mile marker in 10:13, then the 3 mile in 16:00. Obviously the pace slowed tremendously, but this workout is really about the effort, as miles 2-3 are both uphill and draining. I kept it at about 80% effort and was pleased I could run that fast off a double day and not feel any lingering injuries. We will see if that keeps up tomorrow. Side note - my stomach is still acting up hours after this workout, not sure why, but maybe my body is just not used to the stress. Total mileage for last week: 26 miles. Total mileage for this week after two days: 26 miles.

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