Thursday, July 15, 2010

Opening Day

Opening day is not actually until tonight, but I moved into the new hotel last night, which is much nicer than my old one, free, and has better AC. I met the North America group there last night with 10 minutes to spare before the busses left for dinner. We went to Spoons on a boat on the DanĂº, which was delicios, except we were on the top deck so the sun baked us wet. Dinner and drinks were on the company, which was nice. Nothing too eventful last night for me, but some people were out until 4 am. There are also a ton of Allianz Life and Firemans Fund people here, maybe a monopoly on the selection process (hint hint), because I am the only PIMCO U.S. person here.

I woke up at the usual time this morning and went for a 5 mile run, pre race day and all. Then cooled off and went down for another free breakfast (ate about 5 mini chocolate crossiants), and took the buses and trains back into Pest. I then spent about two hours taking buses and public trains around town just for fun and because they are free with my Allianz badge. It is actually a great way to see the city. Had another margherita pizza in the plaza this afternoon, and now am heading back to the hotel to clean up for opening ceremonies at 530, and then watch the half marathoners suffer through 13 miles at 6pm (85 degrees, 90 pct humidity). Next blog will be post 1500 meters tomorrow.

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