Saturday, April 3, 2010

3-Day weekend: Part 2

I set my alarm for 5:45 this morning so I could get a quick run in before my tee time. After it went off, I promptly re-set it for 7. On my way to the golf course in Long Beach, my rear passenger tire blew out on the 405 so I had to wait for a AAA guy to come and help me with the spare. Managed to get to the course and rented a cart to spare my legs from 5 miles of carrying a bag. I was so drained after golf (shot a 94) and down about my tire that I decided it would be a good idea to just take the day off. I drove home going about 45 mph in the slow lane of the 405 with my hazard lights on. Luckily, I managed to make it to Newport Tire Co. before my other rear tire fell off, and ordered two replacements--fortunately not too expensive. The only other drag was that I had two hours to kill before my car was ready. The shop is about a mile from my parents house, and I had running shoes in the car, so I decided it would be easiest to just run home, in golf attire.

By the time I got home the endorphins were flowing and I was suddenly very motivated to keep this going. I quickly threw on some running shorts and headed off to Back Bay Road. This ended up being one of those runs that was meant to only be about 5 miles, but I just felt so good I kept on extending it. I ended up running to the end of Back Bay Road, keeping a comfortable 6:25ish pace for most of the run. Total time was 58 minutes, 9 miles.

I still had 45 minutes to kill so I did some extended stretching and a core/ab/push-up circuit until it was time to get the car. Between that and the unexpected long run, I'm very happy with the work put in today.

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