Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Carlsbad tune-up

Time for some late-night blogging. Today was my last track workout before Carlsbad next weekend. I always want to be "on" this weekend because this is the fastest 5k in Southern California. I've only actually been "on" once in four years running this race; the other three times I went out way too fast and hobbled to the finish line. Today's workout was 1200, 3 x 800, with 3 minutes recovery in between each. I was a little late getting to the track out of work, so I only had time for a 2 mile warm up, which was fine. I also wore half tights under my shorts today to make sure my hamstrings stayed loose. I was hoping to keep everything at 70 second pace (for 400 meters) or below, and not over exert myself like last week.

The 1200 was perfect. I ran 69, 69, 68 for a super-controlled 3:26. It could not have felt easier, and having Cush there to help pace it was nice too. I made sure to jog an entire lap, instead of just circling around for 200 meters. The lap jog really helped my recovery and my hamstrings were no where near as sore for the 800s. I led the first 800 in a pedestrian 2:17, with perfectly even splits, then took another lap jog as part of my 3 minute recovery. Cush led the second 800 through a little quicker and we ended up running 2:14, again with perfectly even splits. I kept the same recovery routine in preparation for the last 800. Cush was a little tired and didn't want to overdo it on the last one so I led us out in an easy 68. My legs felt great at 400, so I decided to pick up the tempo a bit and burned the back straightaway before cruising home in a 64 for 2:12, then took another lap jog, and put on my trainers. Julie and J.C. joined me on a 3-mile cool down on the Eastbluff grassy path over looking the Back Bay. 8 miles for the day, and I am definitely ready to go fast at Carlsbad.

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