Sunday, April 25, 2010

Rocky Tribute

If you're a runner, no visit to Philadelphia is complete without a visit to the Art Museum. I set off on a mid-morning run in the rain down Locust Walk, past Franklin Field, up the river, and over to the Museum. Then I took the steps up two-at-a-time, Rocky style, to the top. My knee was a little shaky during the run, but I was happy to get through it with minimal pain. Total run was five miles round trip. Only 20 miles for this week but at least its close enough to my race to be a taper, and I can run.

After the run, the girls and I headed over to the gym, where I quickly beat them in two games of Horse. Then I headed down to the pool again. Today's workout was 200 warm-up, then 200, 300, 400, 300, 200, with about 20 seconds recovery in between each. My average 100 was down around 1:33 for the workout, which is an improvement over my previous longer workouts. The 400 in particular was about 6:12, at about 80% effort. I swam a few easy laps afterwards, mostly drills and recovery time. Then, I closed with a few sprints, both 50's and 25's. The entire workout was 2000 meters.

After the workout we went to Parc in Center City and I ate way too much food. However, I did have the best blueberry pancakes ever, and still have a food coma. We walked a mile back to Rachel's house to walk it off. Tomorrow is an off day. Up at 5:00 am to fly home.

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