Thursday, April 15, 2010

Resume triathlon training

Woke up early this morning for another easy 7. This time I headed down to the Back Bay and stayed mostly on the dirt shoulder and grass in East Bluff. It took me about 3 miles to loosen up today, so the last four miles were about 6:30 pace (easy), but the first three were slow. I need to figure out a way to make sure my legs are awake in the morning. Another small problem to keep an eye on; something's going on in my right knee. It's not too bad and I can't feel anything once I get the blood flowing, but I'll probably back off the running to make sure I squash this thing.

After work I headed to the pool for my first swim since last Friday (bad Josh). After I stopped referring to myself in the 3rd person, I warmed up 400 yards of drills to try and get my stroke back. Then I went into 8 x 100 yard repeats with 15 seconds rest. I kept all of them between 1:25-1:30, which wasn't too hard and actually very encouraging because one month ago I was repping 100's in 1:40+. Next I took an easy 100 to stretch out and recover and went into 200's with minimal rest. I kept each of them at 3:05-3:10, which is ok, but my lack of pool time over the last week was definitely showing by the end of the workout. Then I cooled down a few laps and finished with some 25 yard sprints for 2000 yards on the day.

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